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International Youth Exchange 

6 - 14 December 2023

Lecce, Italy

Be Aware


Nowadays, addictions are one of the biggest health issues that modern civilizations are facing. We continue to observe the damage of addictions in young people and how, as a result, they have thrown away their opportunities to build a life for themselves and their families

Our objective is to emphasise the idea that all types of addictions tend to repeat the same patterns and there is a common denominator in all of them


We believe that bringing awareness about the mechanism of addiction and the attitude of an addict is more relevant than working only toward one specific kind of addiction


We want to create a space of support and solidarity, where this topic can be discussed without stigmatisation

Our Aim

Our Goals


Support young people that suffer from addictive behaviours


Create a sense of community and solidarity 


Bring awareness about the mechanism of addiction and its social causes

Improve the sense of accountability  towards the 




Improve physical and mental awareness


Stimulate deep introspective exercises to understand the roots of addictive patterns


Use the digital disconnection as a tool to be immersed in a deeper process of self-reflection

Be Aware is open to everyone! We don't want to point out any particular addiction but, on the contrary, give everyone the chance to work on their own specific cases. It doesn't matter to us if you want to work on addiction related to alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, sugar, compulsive shopping, gambling, social networking, video games, work or any other original cases not listed here. The most important thing for us is your motivation to dig deeper into this topic.

In order to create an efficient space of solidarity and support, we would love to have a diversity of profiles that are directly and indirectly touched by the topic of addiction:  

  • You suffer from any kind of addiction and you want to work on it

  • You suffered from addiction in the past and have the will to share how you faced it

  • You suffer or have suffered indirectly from addiction due to your environment 

  • You live in an environment hardly impacted by addiction problems (family, friends, neighborhood...)

  • You are interested in working in this field and have knowledge and tools to share

Participants' profile

We are searching for people willing to work with us to prepare and implement the youth exchange. It can be someone who already works in this field of addiction, or is interested in working on it, and has knowledge and tools to share. It can also be someone who has experience in the organization of a youth exchange and is willing to be involved with us.


We want to bring awareness and we have a vision to share. But, above all, we want to create a community spirit and a space for exchange and mutual support around this issue of addiction and we need for that the involvement of all the participants and the support of the group leaders to facilitate it all

Group Leaders' Profile

This project is for you if:


  • You are from 18 - 30 years old (no age limit for the group leaders)

  • You are resident in Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Bulgaria or Serbia

  • You commit to participate in all the activities of the Youth Exchange (about 8 hours per day)

  • You commit to taking part in all the 3 parts of the project: PREPARATION, YOUTH EXCHANGE, AND FOLLOW-UP

  • You’re motivated to explore and submerge into the topic of addiction and work on creating tools and methods in order to make a change towards this topic, for you and for others

Number of people per country: 6

Project Steps


Selecting participants and Group Leader, establishing communication inside the national teams

October - November 2023


Participants meet, share, experience, discover and learn on the topic of addictions. They will also organize their own workshops connected to topics of addictions defined by the facilitators

6th December - 14th December


Back in their country, participants will create local activities of infoproducts to share their expereince and knowledge thay got during the project

December 2023 - January 2024

The Programme

01 PHASE: Arrival and formation of the group (Days 1 and 2)

02 PHASE: Introduction and preparation for the learning process (Days 2 and 3)

03 PHASE: Immersion in the learning process [Digital Disconnection]

04 PHASE: Active participation in the learning process (Days 4 to 6)

05 PHASE: Outdoor Activity


06 PHASE: Re-connection, closing and farewell


During part of the exchange, we plan to disconnect from devices (smartphones, computers, etc.). It's a healthy practice we often do in our projects, it improves the group dynamics and the personal involvement

We will send daily updates to participants’ relatives and friends with pictures and videos. If that is not enough to reassure them or if you have specific needs for an Internet connection, let us know in the comments in the application form

Blurry Background

Costs and Reimbursement

Travel costs, accommodation, food and the program itself are co-funded by the European Union through the ERASMUS+ program 

In order to be entitled to reimbursement, we ask you to participate fully in the 3 steps of the project: preparation, dissemination and follow-up

We ask you to contribute to the implementation of the project with a membership fee: 50 EUR for Italy and France; 40 EUR for Spain and Greece; 30 EUR for Bulgaria and Serbia* 

In case the participation fee represents a real obstacle for your participation, please let us know in the application form

Membership Fee

The travel costs will be reimbursed for the amount shown in the original boarding passes, tickets, and invoices, up to the limits indicated in the chart below. According to Erasmus+ regulation, you can start your travel up to 48h before arrival day, and arrive back to your country the latest 48h after departure day** 

Travel Conditions

Please note that the amounts below are the MAXIMUM amounts that will be reimbursed, all the costs exceeding these amounts should be covered by the participant as well as the costs for accommodation sustained in case you decide to start your travel before the arrival day and after the departure day

Travel Budget

Local transfer will be provided by us from the bus/train stop to the venue. The cost of it (15 EUR) is already deducted from maximum travel budget

*Calculated proportionally according to the average net wage of each country 

**Arrival day - 6th December, departure day - 14th December. If you arrive in Italy earlier or leave later than these dates, you will have to take care of your own accommodation for the extra nights  



20 €


260 €

260 €


260 €


260 €



260 €

Project Venue

During the training course, participants will stay at LE SORGENTI Center which provides accommodation in rooms for 2, 3, or 4 people. The rooms for working sessions are also based inside the complex.

Le Sorgenti Center serves as a recovery center for people with addictions, for this reason, no alcohol is allowed on the territory of the facilities

3 meals per day + plus 2 coffee breaks will be offered to participants

The food during the project will be vegan / vegetarian.

We stand for the sustainable and mindful approach also when it comes to meals and believe that our participants will share our values and enjoy it with us


As a group, we will be responsible for taking care of the space we're using. Participants will take part in simple duties (preparing coffee breaks, arranging and cleaning the dining area, cleaning the common spaces and their own rooms etc.)  

It is an educational choice: we believe that it is relevant to learn to take care of our own needs as a group. In case you are searching for an experience where somebody else is cleaning for you or serving you, this Youth Exchange is not suitable for you


New Wellness Education - APS was founded in January 2020. We specialize in the education of youth and training of professionals with the main focus on mental and physical well-being, fostering at the same time the recognition and quality of youth work

Our Mission is to provide educational opportunities to youth and young professionals, supporting them in their process of growth, maximizing their psycho-physical well-being by offering learning opportunities connected to their educational and working environment having a positive impact on their local communities

Our Partners

Our Team

Timothé Élie

After ESC volunteering with New Wellness Education he started the path of youth worker being involved as a mentor, coordinator, facilitator and translator. For Be Aware project, he is involved as a co-writer coordinator and facilitator 

Raúl Gil

With an academic background in Sociology. He did ESC volunteering with New Wellness Education and currently working as Erasmus+ chef and obtaining a Master's degree in Project Management on International Cooperation. The Lead facilitator of Be Aware project

Antonio Greco

Youth worker, trainer and gamification expert. Working in the field of education, personal and professional development, professional skills and youth support. Specialized in self-development, inclusion and gamification topics

Fabrizio Gallo

​Youth worker, coach, and trainer with 8 years of experience. His professional focus is experiential learning through physical movement

If you believe this project is what you're looking for and you want to participate

Fill in the Application Form

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